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welcome to pearls'n'cotton!

Today is a big day! I am so excited to finally publish my first blog post. It has been a long road to get here, but I am so thrilled to arrive! This whole pipe dream started after my friend JH was staying with us and I watched her crochet and quilt beautiful blankets for her new mama friends. I thought to myself, I wonder if I could do that? Fast forward a few months, a lot of mistakes, and many, many hours spent with my stitch ripper and here we are!

herringbone basting

My mission is to bring handmade items back into the home, without the antiquated feel of heirlooms past. I treasure the heirlooms I have inherited, but I’ll be honest and say I struggle to find a perfect place for them to fit into my home. I have a lovely hand quilted blanket from my great grandmother that I absolutely treasure - but I am too afraid to put it on the bed with the constant cycle of bro’s that tend to occupy in our guest bedrooms on the weekend. (Love you guys!) So, for the last few months it has been displayed proudly on the top shelf of my closet… I’ll put it out when my mother visits, because I know she will care for it - but I also know that when bed time comes around she won’t be cuddling under it - she’ll fold it and put it on the dresser, and redisplay it on the bed come morning.

greatgreats quilt

I have also watched, and participated in the vast movement of consumers caring more about where their products have come from. With the upswing of Etsy, Pinterest and Instagram I see the trends of #shoplocal and #handmade getting bigger and bigger. I, like many others, care who makes my products, where my food comes from, where my items are made, what the source of the materials are, and am willing to pay for the piece of mind and the higher quality. Additionally, I am a bit of a perfectionist, so it is my goal to make sure that every one of my customers gets what they pay for, and loves it as much as I do!


I want to create items that will be used, not displayed. I want my aprons covered in flour and melted chocolate chips after an evening well spent in the kitchen. I want my crib blankets spotted with baby drool after a restful afternoon nap. I want the unpaper towels used for everything from wiping a messy post-cupcake face, to cleaning off the counter tops after a big family gathering. I can’t wait to get the shop opened up so these dreams will come true!


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